Sustainable Transport is sometimes known as Green Transport and is any form of transport that does not use or rely on dwindling natural resources. Instead it relies on renewable or regenerated energy rather than fossil fuels that have a finite life expectancy. For this reason, it is said to have a low or a negative effect on the environment since it makes use of energy sources that are sustainable.
In terms of Transport Planning in relation to developments, primarily we encourage active travel options as far as possible – walking and cycling - as well as the use of public transport. In an urban environment there is a great deal of scope to make new developments entirely car-free. We also promote the use of electric vehicles, car clubs and shared access to these within developments themselves.
All developments MERAKI are involved in look to optimise sustainable transport and work closely with local authorities to deliver travel plans that promote nonvehicle based trips.
Please contact us to see how we can help you with your development.